

We have an interesting challenge to face! To do so, in the EXPLORATION stage we will focus on understanding the challenge.
We will start thinking about how much we know about the challenge.


Complete the template, creating a whole flower focused on the challenge in which you are working. Answer the following questions for inspiration and write your answers in the petals to create the flower.
Let’s remind ourselves about what we already know!

  • What do you associate this challenge with?
  • What type of aspects does the challenge have?
  • What does the challenge remind you of?
  • Think about other important aspects related to the challenge!!

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4.2. 5W+1H

To gain a deeper understanding of the challenge you can try to answer the following questions: What?, Why?, Who?, Where?, When? and How?. These answers will help you to know more about the topic.

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When analysing the challenge, it is also important to identify which people are involved in your challenge in any way. These people are called stakeholders. Try to identify all these people and complete the mind map of the stakeholders in the diagram below.

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You have arrived at the last part of the exploration phase! So, it is time for decision making about how you want to face the challenge. What kind of new design will solve your challenge?
Answer the following questions and describe in a sentence the objective of the new design. This sentence will be the design brief.

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